I know popping tie rod ends loose,
dropping front drive hubs and replacing bad oil seals is not a big deal to many,
but I’m slightly mechanically challenged.
OK, OK, I can hear my race car
building, suspension geometry designing, engine modifying, championship winning
brother laughing from 1300 miles away; so I guess maybe I should admit that I’m
a little more than slightly mechanically challenged.
What got me into this mess was the
hydraulic steering ram boot on the tractor getting shredded by our moderately
rugged property. That poor boot rides right down there in the weeds, cactus and brush,
and by the time I finally broke down and replaced it the thing was in a half
dozen pieces. On top of that the oil seals in the vertical shaft of the left
front hub had gone bad to the point where I had to add gear-oil to the front
axle just about every time I got the tractor out because what I put in last
time was now laying in the pan I tucked under the hub when I parked the tractor down in its barn.
Knowing it was necessary but still
not happy about it, I got the parts manual out then went web surfing. I found a
few brief mentions of this particular repair but it seemed like there wasn’t a
whole lot of detail there, at least not that I could find during my minutes
and minutes of research. I took that as a sign that it should be a no brainer,
I mean it must be so basic that other people just don’t see the need to write a
tutorial on it, right?
Well apparently I missed that basic class
because as things went on it became obvious that I hadn’t a clue.
Unfortunately I seemed to have lost
that straightforward part somewhere between the parts supplier and home.
It took me over a month and three
separate tries before I even got past the first step!!
All I had to do was pop the tie rod end,
hanging out there on the end of the steering ram, loose from the hub, unscrew
it, slide the new boot on the ram and reverse the procedure. Only problem was I
couldn’t get the dang thing loose!
I removed the castle nut on the end
of the tie rod shaft, turned it over and screwed it back on partway to protect
the threads then whacked the end of it somewhat timidly with a dead-blow hammer.
Nothing. Whacked it harder – same result. Again, even harder this time. Still
nothing. About this time I decided I had whacked that little nut as hard as I
dared; so I put everything back where it belonged, including all the bits from the bottom end
which I had removed out of ignorance of what the heck I was doing, pumped it full of the grease I had removed trying to figure the thing out, and vowed to
do some additional research.
I suppose I then tried to just forget
the whole thing; hoping for that out of sight out of mind solution; but it kept
nagging at me so I finally broke down and contacted someone who I figured would
know, my brother. He said the trick was to back the castle nut off then whack
the side of the eye the tie rod shaft was going through with a hammer, a big hammer,
and really whack it using a two-handed, round-house swing. According to him this
would deform the eye just enough to release the tapered shaft. Now that made
sense, and I trust my brother on things like this, he’s been doing this kind of
work since Junior High, but when the metal of the eye started to deform under
my repeated and violent attention while the shaft stayed just as stuck as ever,
I got scared. Once again I put things back where they belonged, parked the
tractor down in its barn, put the pan under the hub and made a note to buy more
gear-oil. Stick with what works; right?
At some point in the week or two
following my second unsuccessful imitation of a mechanic I remembered coming across
a brief note about using a tie rod end puller from Harbor Freight. Of course I
couldn’t find this write-up again (Got to start bookmarking these things rather
than relying on a memory that apparently can’t be relied on.) but one day, for
reasons that had nothing to do with my aspirations of becoming a mechanic, we made a 90 mile run
to a town that just happened to have a Harbor Freight, so I stopped in and sure enough, I found
the puller!
Of course I was still just as
gun-shy about the whole maintenance thingy and it took a few weeks of that puller sitting
there on my workbench before I bit the bullet and got the tractor out of the
barn again.
Well I’ll be damned but it worked!
I put the puller in place against the
turned over castle nut, tightened up the bolt and waited a minute, tightened it
up some more and waited again. About the 4th time BANG, and the tie
rod end dropped loose!
I drained as much oil from the tiny
little drain plug in the middle of the front axle as I could then dropped the
bottom plate on the left hub to drain the considerable amount of oil hiding
down there as well. I have to do it this way because the little 7mm plugs with
the tiny square ends that you are supposed to use for draining the hubs have
been stuck since the day I bought the tractor. Not only are they stuck but the
little square ends are hopelessly far from square anymore since I have vigorously attempted to get them loose through a variety of
means several times.
Fortunately I had been warned that
once that bolt was removed the hub would drop out of the housing pretty easy so
I had a floor jack under the assembly and the whole thing lowered right out as
advertised. Now to the bench!
I have a seal puller, don’t know why
but I have one, but it’s one of those hook and lever types and I bent the crap
out of one of the hooks trying to pry the first of the two seals out of the
housing. I suspect what I really needed for this job is one of those hook and
hammer type of pullers, but of course I don’t have one of those!
It took a while, a lot of that while
spent repeating things I already tried before (And with every failed attempt Einstein’s definition of insanity; ‘Doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results.’; went through my mind, mocking my efforts; ) but I finally got
frustrated enough to set caution aside and managed to deform the first seal
enough with a viciously wielded screwdriver to get it out. Now I was feeling my
oats so I used an old Chinese chisel I don’t mind messing up (Kind of
appropriate don’t you think? Using a Chinese chisel to attack a Chinese
tractor?) to cut through the second seal and get it free, being careful to cut
only seal on not gouge the crap out of the housing!
As I was doing this I was also carefully
making a diagram of exactly how the seals were placed and which way they faced.
That might be second nature to some, but not to me and after all this
struggling I didn’t want to do something ridiculously stupid (Hey, it’s
happened before – with disturbing frequency I might add. . .) and wreck the
whole project.
After carefully cleaning all the
surfaces, I tried getting the new seals seated in the housing by lubing them and the housing with
a touch of grease and tapping around the edges with a short piece of hardwood I had
laying around, but every time I hit one side the other would just pop up and
the whole thing turned into a Chinese fire drill! (Get it! Chine – oh never
mind.) So I went hunting around the shop for something I might have more
success with. I got lucky and had a 2” PVC coupler in my plumbing bin that was
just the right diameter. I also had a scrap of 2” PVC pipe in the same
bin. I shoved that into one end of the coupler and lowered my new tool over
the shaft and against the carefully positioned seal. Being too lazy to bother cutting my
scrap of pipe, I then went hunting for a step-stool I could stand on to get
high enough to tap the end of the pipe with a hammer. A few gentle blows and
some checking with the calipers to make sure I had it in far enough to clear
the second seal, and the first was in place and ready to go. The second seal
went right in on top of that just as easily. Talk about luck!
I had been warned not to turn over
the edge of the seal when working it back onto the shaft which would let that
teeny tiny little spring in there get away so I was a bit nervous about that as I cleaned everything well and got ready to impersonate a competent mechanic.
With a little grease coating the appropriate surfaces and one hand stabilizing
the hub while the other worked the jack, I carefully slipped the seal onto the
shaft, took a moment to recovered from the shock of my success, then worked the splines into place as I seated the hub back up where it belonged. Now it was just a matter of putting
the new boot on the steering ram, bolting parts back on where they came off of,
refilling the axle with gear oil then taking a test drive.
Admittedly I only drove the tractor
far enough to get it back down to its barn, about 200 yards worth, but did take
some unnecessary turns along the way and it seemed to be fine up to that point.
Besides, it had been a long and stressful process and I didn’t want to push my
luck and discover I did it wrong; a variation of that out of sight out of mind
I read where one guy did this job in
under an hour. Well it took me more like 4, but I got it done and now I think
it’s time to kick back with a book and take it easy the rest of the afternoon.
I have the same issue. Went to replace the steering boot and found the left front hub seals were leaking badly. I plan on using your adventure description when I set to replace them. Thanks for the advice and pictures.
ReplyDeleteWow! I haven't looked back at this entry in a long time and didn't realize how many hits it had. I thought my Showering While Camping entry over in my other blog was the hit winner but this entry almost triples that one.
DeleteGood luck with the repair, but if mechanically inept me can handle it I suspect you will do just fine.
This is almost exactly what I am going to do this weekend! Except just the felt washer type seal and the rubber boot needs replaced... I hope! I really appreciate the explanation and pictures! You also speak my language. I am assuming that I don't "have" to replace the other seals if it is just the felt washer seal that is leaking.. We will see!
ReplyDeleteI'm the forgotten backwater of bloggers. If I get a couple dozen hits on an entry I'm doing pretty dang good! (Most the entries in this blog have hit-counts in the single digits and there are two with hit counts of zero!) But this tractor repair entry, my 4th ever blog entry by the way, has around 350 now hits which makes it second only to an entry on converting a cargo trailer to a travel trailer in my other blog
Unfortunately I'm not sure you will be able to get away with just changing out the felt washer. You see it really isn't a seal but more of a collector of seepage from the real seals. (As well as keeping some of the grit and grime of the real world out of the innards of the hub.) If the felt is black and squishy with oil it's because the real seals aren't sealing well anymore. Best case scenario you have a bit of grit trapped between the rubber lip of the seal(s) and the shaft and it can be cleaned out when you drop the hub, but don't be too disappointed if you end up needing new seals to stop the carnage - I mean leakage. Good news is that if that's the case and your new felt washer gets gunked up before you get new seals installed, you can clean it up in a little solvent and reuse it.
Cheer up, it's been nearly two years since I replaced those seals and the edge of the felt washer is still dry and white - well, white-ish anyway. I figure if I can manage that repair then pretty much anyone can.
Haha... well it's amazing on how little information there is about these darn tractors! I did change out the felt washer only, BUT per your above post, the current felt washer was soaked and pretty much disintegrated within the shaft. There was also TONS of this oily mud goo on top of the seal. I was able to clean all that stuff out and used about 2 cans of brake cleaner making it look like new. Hasn't started leaking yet! :-)
ReplyDeleteCool! I once parked my tractor in a couple feet of oozing mud that came suspiciously close to reaching all the way up to the air vents in the front axle. (Though calling it 'parked' might be misleading since there was nothing voluntary about it and it had everything to do with stupidity. . .) I was able to get the tractor back out by setting the bucket on some timbers and lifting then repeatedly curling and resetting the bucket to help claw my way out. (To this day I pretend that part of the property doesn't actually exist and stay away from it!)
DeleteI immediately drained and replaced all the oil in the front axle, afraid I might have contaminated it, but the later failure of the seals in the left hub might still have been the result of that ill-advised wallow.
Oh man.. I did the same thing!!! Except I decided to get more traction by loading up my front loader and turn my wheels... needless to say, I bent the heck out of my steering rod! I finally took your approach that you mentioned above, and then couldn't figure out why my front tires were facing different directions! Bought a new rod "drag link" is what the official name is for 30 bucks and now am as good as new!
ReplyDeleteThank you!
ReplyDeleteI greatly appreciate your resource. I am hopeful to replace my seals as well.
You don't still have the "diagram of exactly how the seals were placed and which way they faced" do you? I'm not sure if the cupped side goes up or down for each seal.
ReplyDeleteI'm in the middle of this job and I just had to call Affordable Tractor Sales and ask because I wasn't sure which way to put it back together.
DeleteHe said the 12mm thick seal goes in first numbers up to retain the gear oil and the 7 or 8mm seal goes numbers down on top of it to keep water out. So the two seals should be numbers to numbers with the 12mm seal going in first when installed correctly.